Appreciation of strange chandeliers created by artists

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Bizarre chandelier created by the artist

The weird chandelier created by Dutch artist Hans Van Bentem won the appreciation of Madonna. His designs include skulls...

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Bizarre chandelier created by the artist

His works are favored by the rich and famous, and hotels, galleries and even royal palaces have booked his chandeliers hanging in the hall.

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Bizarre chandelier created by the artist

Madonna bought a revolver-shaped chandelier and hung it in one of her rooms. In 2009, shortly after Madonna launched the same list, the lamp was customized with an undisclosed amount.

超萌创意原单树脂挂钟 可爱家饰美观又实用

Bizarre chandelier created by the artist

The smallest giant chandeliers start at £15,000, while the specially-customized models can reach hundreds of thousands.

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